Family summer dreams

Children love the mountains and enjoy hiking, if the tours are adapted to their needs and some basic rules are respected. Children love frolicking outdoor. What is more obvious than doing this in the form of various hiking tours in the mountains around Selva Gardena. When hiking with children the journey is the reward. Flowers by the wayside, which can be interpreted, or a fallen tree, which can be balanced on - that is what children love. If, at the goal of the hiking tour, which has of course been adapted to the fitness of the youngest hiker, an alpine hut with playground, a special adventure park or a picnic are waiting for the kids, all of them will eagerly await the next hiking tour. In the Cedepuent de Sot the children are welcome. While the kids play at our playground, the parents can renew their energy on our sunlawn and enjoy the stunning views of the Dolomites
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